Almost fell for deceit

Aderonke Oyinade Ajuwon
3 min readJul 14, 2024


Photo by Batel Studio on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

“You know what?” Ayomade asked the woman sitting across from her in a diner, who was busy eating the food they had ordered for lunch.

“What?” Morayo replied exasperatedly, as she had always told her dear friend not to distract her from a delicious meal.

She loved food, the delicious and spicy ones are the ones she loved best.
But at the moment, her friend is making it difficult for her to focus on what she second loved best, the first being God.

“I’m going to call off the wedding,” Ayomade said.
She had thought of a hundred ways to break this news to her friend, who had lectured her countless times, about her decision on being with a man without a pinch of love and soul in him.

A few years ago, Ayomade had introduced her fiance to her best friend, Morayo, but it did not end well, as it had almost caused a rift between their friendship and sisterhood.

Morayo had quietly delivered the message the Spirit was saying about the man she is choosing to be a partner.

Like any woman in love, Ayomade argued outrightly that the man was the best man for her life and purpose.

She refused to meet up with Morayo unless she took back her words, in which her friend insisted that the Holy Spirit was right and wanted to save her from a painful heartbreak.

It took a few months into the relationship for Ayomade to see the signs she had ignored when she was blinded by the love she had for Pastor Tade; her partner.

She was convinced that this man of God was the right man for her and his vision suits her life’s purpose.

However, she forgot to look beyond the packaging. She could not see what was beyond the peripheral, she was lost in love for the charisma that exudes from this “man of God.”

Fortunately, one evening she was praying earnestly for the demands of the women under her tutelage in the church.

She received clear instructions of the Spirit to check up on her ‘fiance’. Despite her being confused, she heeded the instruction, and drove down to his house.

Alighting from her car, she saw one of the ladies she was interceding for, coming out of the house, along with her fiance who gave the woman a peck on the mouth.

Ayomade could not express the pain she felt, so she hurriedly drove away from the painful scene,and called her best friend to meet up at their usual spot.

“Your eyes have been opened right?” Morayo said solemnly, as she handed the tissue box placed on their table to Ayomade, who had already started to shed hot tears.

“Yes, the Spirit was right to tell you about it then.”
"I was so full of myself. Now, I only need God to feel the space I’m feeling in my heart.” Ayomade lamented.
“Don’t worry. He’s got you.” Morayo replied with care laced with her words.

Thanks a lot for stopping by, hope you had a good time here.

See you in the next story 🤗😀.




Aderonke Oyinade Ajuwon

Aderonke is an ardent reader, aiming to gain as much knowledge as possible to improve society.