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Aderonke Oyinade Ajuwon
2 min readJul 31, 2024


This question, along with others, prompts us to reflect and provide answers to ourselves.

With the way Christians have turned “acceptance/tolerance managers,” going about defending and justifying immorality and promiscuity in the Church, can we still say we are the salt of the world?

Being labelled as the salt of the earth by Jesus was no ordinary title; it was an invitation into a life of purpose.

And what does salt do?
- Preserves
- Enhances/adds taste
- Clears roads, among other functions.

Are we living up to our calling? Do we treat this life we've been given as something fleeting, without considering the rewards it may bring?

While many embrace the popular notion of YOLO (You Only Live Once), in Christ, you experience eternal life.

Consider how you would navigate this world without fulfilling your purpose.

What justification would you offer when your time on Earth comes to an end?

How would you explain to the One who appointed you as the Salt of the Earth?

As I ponder these questions, a sense of frustration grows within me, witnessing how many have strayed from their path and fallen prey to the temptations of the enemy.

Misusing our role as Salt leads to a loss of our intended purpose.

We are to preserve the Earth till the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Have you considered the fate of salt that has lost its flavour?

It becomes worthless and is cast out, left to be trampled underfoot by those passing by.

Figuratively, this implies you would serve as cautionary examples for others.

We have been called to add flavour to the world, to spread joy and love not hate and condemnation.

Although it may be difficult to live out this purpose for those who do not know how to express this calling.

We are not meant to pursue this alone; rather, we should yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in manifesting this Calling.

We can do this by praying and asking for His help, and He will definitely answer whenever we call.

We are here in this world not by coincidence or mistake, but for a reason which has been spelt out in the Scriptures.

Dear readers, let's strive to fulfill our purpose and enable others to experience a life abundant with the flavours of joy and love.




Aderonke Oyinade Ajuwon

Aderonke is an ardent reader, aiming to gain as much knowledge as possible to improve society.