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Failure is an event.

Aderonke Oyinade Ajuwon
2 min readJul 7, 2024


Not a person.

In life, remember that failure is merely an event, not a definition of who you are.

If you have deemed yourself a failure, here are some steps to help you overcome this mindset:

Practice Self-Compassion:

Be kind to yourself and treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding you would offer to a friend in a similar situation.

Reframe Your Perspective:

Instead of focusing on the negative aspects, try to see failure as an opportunity for growth and learning.

Set Realistic Goals:

Break down your goals into smaller, achievable tasks to build momentum and regain confidence.

Seek Support:

Talk to friends, family, or a therapist to gain perspective and receive emotional support.

Celebrate Small Wins:

Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest achievements to boost your self-esteem.

Learn from Failure:

Reflect on what went wrong, what you can do differently next time, and use failure as a valuable lesson.

Most importantly, when facing challenges and setbacks, having faith in God and seeking spiritual guidance can provide comfort, strength, and a sense of purpose.

Trusting in God’s plan and believing in a higher purpose can help you find hope and resilience during difficult times.

Remember, everyone faces setbacks in life, but it's how we respond to them that shapes our future. You are capable of overcoming challenges and achieving success.

Embrace each setback as a stepping stone towards growth and success.

Stay resilient, learn from your experiences, and keep moving forward with determination and empathy towards yourself and others. You are capable of overcoming any challenge that comes your way.

Keep believing in yourself and your journey.

Thank you, dear reader, for stopping by.

Happy Sunday to you.

I’ll see you in the next story 😀🤗.

Have a great week ahead.




Aderonke Oyinade Ajuwon

Aderonke is an ardent reader, aiming to gain as much knowledge as possible to improve society.