How God’s POV overruled my POV

Join me on this journey of healing.

Aderonke Oyinade Ajuwon
3 min readAug 26, 2024


It's been a long time since I've taken the initiative to pen something down, it was so bad to the extent that my diary and journal have been starved of my daily entry.

I was so far from the writing world these past few months, I could not see myself as a writer any longer, I felt unworthy.

I was ashamed of how I was always receiving praise and kudos for my works when all of the time when I would think I'm meant to struggle to carve something out, it comes easy for me unlike other writers.

I began to sink in the lake of imposter syndrome.

And no one could save me other than myself.

I found myself on a relentless blame train for days. Every time I wrote, my work felt intangible and unworthy of sharing. Instead of setting it aside to revisit later, I chose to delete it, convinced it wasn’t good enough.

This went on and on and on, and I even fell into my old ways. I began to procrastinate, always using the excuse; “I'm tired from work,” which is partly true. But, this has been my vice not to take my pen and book to write about how the day went.

I even alienated God in this journey of imposter crisis. It seemed like I forgot to pray, I couldn’t even say a sentence, I would stammer for a few minutes and leave that atmosphere to go sleep or watch a movie.

Moreover, I was reading, I was feasting on fantastical stories, something to drive my attention away from something productive.

Wow, how far have I drowned?

I became extremely lazy to do what was innate, what I loved the most. I instead diverted my energy to work, looking forward to a meager salary that could not even cover twenty percent of my expenses.

Then, why did I start writing again?

Have I gotten it together?

Am I free from being a coward?

Am I ok with God? Is He still my priority?

The answers to the questions are far from me. But as I go through this path, as inspired by the Spirit, I look forward to my healing.

Dear Valued Readers,

I hope this message finds you well. I want to take a moment to sincerely apologize for my absence over the past few months. Life has thrown some unexpected challenges my way, and unfortunately, this has impacted my ability to create and share content with you.

I truly appreciate your patience and support during this time. Your engagement and feedback mean so much to me, and I am committed to returning with fresh and exciting content that you will enjoy.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with all of you soon!

Warm regards,

Ajuwon Aderonke Oyinade.

The continuation of this post will be posted soon.

Please look forward to it.




Aderonke Oyinade Ajuwon

Aderonke is an ardent reader, aiming to gain as much knowledge as possible to improve society.